Open Knowledge Maps – A possible approach to knowledge visualization

3. August 2023
How can we navigate the vast space of knowledge present in the web? How can libraries optimize the representation of their media catalog?
Peter Kraker from Open Knowledge Maps will be presenting one solution to the problem with knowledge maps and the approach used by Open Knowledge Maps to generate those maps. Knowledge maps provide an overview of a search term by showing the main areas and the documents belonging to each area at one glance.
When / Wann: September 6, 2023, 14:00 – 18.00 (incl. Apéro)
Where / Wo: Digital Society Intiative, Rämistrasse 69, 8001 Zürich
Language / Sprache: Deutsch
Registration / Anmeldung: Registration (Open until the 28th of August)
Organisation: DSI Community Libraries