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With tag-Xplore, we will design and develop an interactive data exploration system that enables curators of digital editions to understand commonalities and differences in the use of metadata tags in multiple digital editions, thus enhancing standardization processes.

Multiple digital editions adopt the TEI-XML format as a promising strategy to achieve standardization across editions and support the FAIR principles. However, the 585 TEI tags used to annotate the digital editions in practice are used heterogeneously within and across editions due to their complexity and ambiguity. This hinders connectivity and research potential of editions. Analyzing these tag inconsistencies across thousands of documents and multiple editions is a challenging task.

With tag-Xplore, we harness the potential of tags in digital editions through the design and development of a novel interactive visual data analysis system that enables users to systematically analyze and assess tag usage. Tag-Xplore will explicitly support both analyses within and across-digital editions, to support the standardization process. We study, explore and evaluate a corpus of 14 digital editions and we will establish a consortsium of multi-disciplinary researchers by organizing workshops and developing standards with our gained insights.



Digital editions need to adopt a digital encoding format to preserve and make their data accessible to other researchers and library systems. However, the digital encoding formats are often complex, heterogeneous, and used flexibly across editions, leading to challenges in the standardization process.

Research Questions

Research Questions

How are TEI-XML tags used within and across multiple digital editions?
Which tags are most promising to standarize a collection digital editions? Which inconsistencies and ambiguities in annotation practices hinder connectivity across editions?

Project Aim

Project Aim

The project aims to support Digital Librarians, Data Curator,s and other technical staff of the editions to explore and analyze standardization of their digital edition, compared with other digital editions towards unification and FAIR practices.

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