ORD-Xplore at Scientifica

9. August 2023
In keeping with Scientifica‘s theme of “what holds the world together”, we will have an exciting booth at the Irchel campus to present ORD-Xplore. ORD-Xplore is an interactive visual data analysis tool for discovering connections between historical documents and digital editions in the digital humanities. Until now, researchers and other interested parties have had to expend a great deal of manual effort to uncover these hidden connections. In a live demonstration of ORD-Xplore, visitors will now be able to interact with the system and explore various digital editions from the University Library Zurich and the Zentralbibliothek Zürich. Visitors will also learn about the research and technology behind the approach. With ORD-Xplore, we are providing the general public with access to digital humanities editions and novel ways of navigating between these editions.
For more information about the project and its collaborators, please visit our website: https://libraries.dsi.uzh.ch/project/ord-xplore/
At our booth, the DSI Community Libraries will further explain the digitization process from documents to digital editions. There will also be the “Bullinger Digital” and “Johann Caspar Lavater: Historisch-kritische Edition ausgewählter Briefwechsel (JCLB)” projects that will be presented to visitors.
For more information on the participation of ORD-Xplore at Scientifica, please consult its Scientifica webpage: https://scientifica.ch/en/ausstellungen/digitalized-historical-sources-new-accesses-to-ancient-knowledge/
Scientifica runs from the 28th of August to the 3rd of September.